Statement of Condolences from I4

Statement of Condolences from I4

Dearest People of Japan,

Today we witness a heart-breaking news of tragedy that we can never imagine you, the
Citizens of Japan, would once encounter. Your beloved former Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, has
just been reported dead after a brutal shooting that should have never taken place. With our
thoughts and prayers, we, the International Indonesian Scholars Association or Ikatan
Ilmuwan Indonesia Internasional (I-4), convey our deepest condolences for such a loss.

Prime Minister Abe is a great Statesman of Japan. His patriotic spirit is unparalleled. We can
only imagine how you, the people of Japan, feel the loss of such a great leader. Not only for
Japan, Prime Minister Abe has been a beacon of hope and leadership in politics for many years
to millions of people outside of Japan. The world is now watching and mourning with you. We
also feel the great loss.

This tragedy is undoubtedly shocking for everyone. However, we also believe that nobody
would doubt the resilience of Japanese people. You are a nation with strong character for you
have been tested over time. You have proven again and again how you bounce back from a
series of hardship and tragedy. Today, you are all tested for one more time and we believe
you will once again prove what you are made of. We believe that you will go through this with
wisdom, yet full of life lessons learned.

As a long-term resident of Japan and on behalf of Indonesian Scholars worldwide particularly
those who reside in Japan, we are with you. Let us face this together and strengthen each
other. This too will pass and one more time, you will bounce back and recover stronger.

Categories: Berita, Kegiatan